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Shrines of the Gods: Welcome
Shrines of the Gods: Video
The map of this game is procedurally generated.
In this world, you are trying to survive to the next day. Every day you have a chance to worship the gods that hold this world together. Ra, Set, Tefnut and Thoth.
With every run you get a new map, find the shrines of each god and pay them your respects by offering sacrifices and (do not forget to eat)!
Make sure you don't ignore them, they only get stronger when they are worshiped. The world changes around you depending on which god is in the lead, if a god gets too strong, they overpower the rest of the gods and the game ends.
Your goal is to survive for as many days as you can and experiment with the powers of the gods!
Shrines of the Gods: Text
Shrines of the Gods: Pro Gallery
I joined the Games Jobs Live Game Jam Parade and created this game. I was honored to have my game nominated in two categories (Best Solo Dev Game) and (Best 2D Art).
Unfortunately, the game didn't win in both categories but I was happy to have been of the three nominees out of 80 games!
Shrines of the Gods: Text
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